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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Professionalism, Intellectualism and Beyond

Professionalism is for me a tool to create a better material environment so that self-education can take place easily. Unfortunately, nowadays professionalism is an instrument of our greed. The more professional and intellectual one is, the more arrogant, greedy, dominating, and materialistic one tends to be. Most of the miseries that exist in the world of today go to the credit of our so-called professionals and intellectuals which have a strong ego due to their academic qualifications.

The world of matter is only an opportunity to realize that we are consciousness, which is homogeneous. Only such an experience can liberate us from our ignorance, which is the root cause of all miseries. Once we attain oneness, love, bliss, peace and freedom become our real nature. At present, does material or academic instruction focus on that lofty aim? Then what is the use of being professional or acquiring big certificates? “The right kind of education means the awakening of intelligence, the fostering of an integrated life, and only such education can create a new culture and a peaceful world”

People with the highest certificates and achievements in the material field are called professionals and intellectuals. But what about an integrated life where body, mind, heart and soul are united to enable one to experience peace, freedom, bliss, fearlessness? The world is filled with highly qualified people, yet has this brought any relaxation, happiness and comfort in this planet? Obviously, no! If professionals and intellectuals cannot contribute to make a better society, to bring peace, happiness and brotherhood, then what is the use of being one?

This bears evidence to the fact that what we need are professionals of self-education and that does not come with being academically educated. A great inward revolution is needed. However that demands humility, courage and the insight that sensuality and material progress have not brought any of the above (peace, love, freedom and bliss).At present it is not easy to find a humble person who would be willing to acknowledge his ignorance and be willing to learn.

Professionalism and intellectualism are not ends in themselves. They are rather means to produce more goods and services of better quality and to contribute to the economic and scientific development of the world. They should help to make life easy so that one can aspire easily to the higher aim of life, which is not material in nature.Proffesionals and Intellectuals should contribute for the betterment of individuals in the material field. Without a comfortable material life, the loftiest aim of life, which is self-education, cannot take place.

However much qualified a person might be, what does he gain apart from more material facilities and benefits than a non –professional? But do these bring smile, relaxation, leisure, peace of mind, bliss, freedom and good health to a person? Isn’t man running instinctively after happiness? There are people who are happy by leading a simple life. Have we forgotten the adage, “simple living, and high thinking”?

Is it possible to be a genuine professional in our present society where cut-throat competition, corruption, stress, anxiety and the struggle to survive are the main driving forces? While it is essential to have a very good academic, technical and rational training, it is more important for a professional to have honesty, intelligence , a sense of justice and compassion, to be free from greed and lust, to be creative, attentive and calm. In today's world, professionalism and intellectualism are viewed as opportunities to attain the peak of the material ladder from where one can satisfy one's greed and exploit others. Greed, lust and selfishness are holding the bridle of the social machine. This is why the world is suffering badly today!

My proposal is that we work on the minds and hearts of people, so that they do not become corrupt and at the same time understand their role in making a better world. That would be a great revolution.

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